Hi Stuart, Thanks for your reply:
> We've observed this situation even against a no-op end point which basically
> dispatches a handler, so we've eliminated almost all of our code from the
> equation. We also removed HTTPS traffic to take SSL out of the equation. CPU
> utilization on the boxes is very low and memory is fine as well. Disk I/O is
> also not an issue... we don't write to disk when hitting the no-op endpoint
What JVM and OS version are you using? This sounds like it might be an NIO issue, or some kind of NIO/TCP tuning issue.
We took those measurements with our normal endpoints. We're in the process of setting up some new tests against a more highly instrumented build to get some fresh numbers. Will post when we have them.
> We are using 1.1.0-Final version of undertow. We tried 1.2.0-Beta 6 but after
> deploying our servers froze after about 10 minutes so we had to roll back.
Did you happen to get a thread dump or any info from 1.2.0.Beta6 when it locked up?
>I did but sadly I didn't keep it :-(. As I recall though, it was similar to the others...IO threads sitting on epoll and task workers parked waiting for jobs.
I've upgraded one of our servers with Beta 6 tonight and am running it, but so far it is performing normally. It's sitting behind HA Proxy, which seems to be smoothing out the traffic so I may not be able to replicate the issue until I can get it redeployed from behind HAP. Will advise further when I've done that.
many thanks,