On Nov 11, 2015, at 11:09 AM, jorge lima <jorge.ayala2012@gmail.com> wrote:Hi,now I think I'm almost there, when I run my project, it appears this message on console:nov 11, 2015 1:48:07 PM com.squareup.okhttp.internal.Platform$JdkWithJettyBootPlatform getSelectedProtocolINFO: ALPN callback dropped: SPDY and HTTP/2 are disabled. Is alpn-boot on the boot class path?I've tryed to enable the alpn-boot using the command shown on eclipse jetty website:java -Xbootclasspath/p:<path_to_alpn_boot_jar> ...Then I goes to my cmd, used the command 'cd <path>' to go to my Java Project and used the following:java -Xbootclasspath/p:/libs/alpn-boot-8.1.6.v20151105.jar ...So it always print a help list, doesn't execute nothing for real, then I've tried this:java -Xbootclasspath/p:/libs/alpn-boot-8.1.6.v20151105.jar Test.class
Where this class have a main method and prints: 'Error: Could not find or load main class Test.class'I've tested some things that took me hours to have nothing. Why they put this '...' on their command if they even explain very well how to do, I'm lost here, sadly.Do you have some clear example how I have to do to activate the alpn-boot on my boot class path? I would thank you so much man...The ALPN jars are on maven central here:You have to match the specific version for the JDK version that you use, which is documented on the alpa-chapter you linked.On Nov 10, 2015, at 11:52 AM, jorge lima <jorge.ayala2012@gmail.com> wrote:Hi,
thanks for the answer again, I'm using now this okhttp and looks very good for me, the problem is that I need to know how to set the proper ALPN boot jar in the bootclasspath (Jetty), I'm having troubles:java -Xbootclasspath/p:<path_to_alpn_boot_jar> ...How I'm gonna put a path to alpn boot jar if I don't have any?Here is the link:If you could help me I would appreciate._______________________________________________2015-11-10 7:34 GMT-03:00 Tomaž Cerar <tomaz.cerar@gmail.com>:tomazBut there is lots of development going on around this topic, best to look the internetAFAK at the moment only https://github.com/square/okhttp client properly supports http2.There is JEP http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/110 to add support for it in JDK 9.First you will need client api that knows how to handle HTTP2.java's URL/URI currently don't support http2 at all.
for solution that suits you best.
--On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 9:12 PM, jorge lima <jorge.ayala2012@gmail.com> wrote:Hi,thanks for the answer. But what I really need to know is to discover if some website uses HTTP/2 or not, like how we use in URLConnection with Java:URL url = new URL("https://developer.jboss.org/");Map<String, List<String>> map = new HashMap<>();URL obj = new URL(url.toString());URLConnection conn = obj.openConnection();map = conn.getHeaderFields();...Thanks again!2015-11-09 16:51 GMT-03:00 Tomaž Cerar <tomaz.cerar@gmail.com>:tomazfor how to setup it.see https://developer.jboss.org/message/929048It is not just http/2 header :)but yes, undertow supports it, to enable it you will need to upgrade to Java 8 and do some additional setup.
--On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 6:15 PM, jorge lima <jorge.ayala2012@gmail.com> wrote:Hi,Is there already a way to get the HTTP/2 response header in Java using Undertow? I really need to know. I'm using JDK 7 on my Java Project. Thank you very much!
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Jason T. Greene
WildFly Lead / JBoss EAP Platform Architect
JBoss, a division of Red Hat