I believe these two questions are very basic based on the posts I've read so far on the mailing list.  I appreciate your insights into how to handle these correctly using undertow handlers (was thinking custom handlers).

First topic: a portion of the URI for my app is "dynamic" and changes as my program runs.
For example, with this URI:
the "cohort1"  portion "appears" after my program starts.
Each cohort may have distinct processing - so this URI:
needs to be handled by code that may be entirely different from the first URI.

In a first approach, a single custom handler for the path /sd/* was configured:
rh0 = new RoutingHandler().post("/xd/*", new UndertowEventHttpHandler(config, posthandlers));
Undertow server = Undertow.builder().addHttpListener(ipPort, ipAddress).setHandler(rh0).build();
That examined the URI, validated the "cohort" piece, and then called a separate helper class directly (no dispatch, or async) to process the request.  

Is this the best approach or is there a better way to handle this with Undertow?
(The out-of-the-box Path Template handler, for example, did not seem dynamic enough to handle this sort of URI.)

Second topic: the application can receive "GETS" and "POSTS" to the same URI. 

A "GET" to  /xd/cohort1/healthevents/examdata  would return data where a 
POST to  /xd/cohort1/healthevents/examdata  would expect the body of the message to have JSON to be stored.

How to best handle both GET and POST messages coming to the same URI with Undertow?  I started to add an extra layer of abstraction - a generic handler that looked at the request method 
HttpString hString = exchange.getRequestMethod();
but was not sure where to go from there...do I then call the specialized POST and GET handlers with .dispatch (deprecated except if I provide an Executor?) or is there a way to register two handlers for the same path...just different request methods?

Thank you,