So I've decided to start using Undertow, both as an experiment and due to the great results it achieved in benchmark tests. And while I think it's fantastic there's a feature which is either missing or I can't find.
I want to develop a RESTful web service so it's important for me to identify which HTTP method is being called. Now I can get this from RequestMethod in the HttpServerExchange parameter but if had to that for every handler that would become tedious.
My solution, which works but feels wrong, is this:
Created an annotation interface called HTTPMethod:
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.METHOD) public @interface HTTPMethod { public enum Method { OTHER, GET, PUT, POST, DELETE } Method method() default Method.OTHER;
an "abstract" class (which is not abstract):
public abstract class RESTfulHandler implements HttpHandler { @Override public void handleRequest(HttpServerExchange hse) throws Exception { for (Method method : this.getClass().getDeclaredMethods()) { // if method is annotated with @Test if (method.isAnnotationPresent(HTTPMethod.class)) { Annotation annotation = method.getAnnotation(HTTPMethod.class); HTTPMethod test = (HTTPMethod) annotation; switch (test.method()) { case PUT: if (hse.getRequestMethod().toString().equals("PUT")) { method.invoke(this); } break; case POST: if (hse.getRequestMethod().toString().equals("POST")) { method.invoke(this); } break; case GET: if (hse.getRequestMethod().toString().equals("GET")) { method.invoke(this); } break; case DELETE: if (hse.getRequestMethod().toString().equals("DELETE")) { method.invoke(this); } break; case OTHER: if (hse.getRequestMethod().toString().equals("OTHER")) { method.invoke(this); } break; } if (test.method() == HTTPMethod.Method.PUT) { method.invoke(this); } } } }
and an implementation of both the above:
public class ItemHandler extends RESTfulHandler{ @HTTPMethod(method=GET) public void getAllItems() { System.out.println("GET"); } @HTTPMethod(method=POST) public void addItem() { System.out.println("POST"); } @HTTPMethod public void doNothing() { System.out.println("OTHERS"); }
Now as I said, it works, but I'm sure that the abstract class and it's implementation have something missing so that they glue correctly. So my question is two fold:
1) Is there a better / proper way to filter HTTP requests in Undertow? 2) What is the correct way of using annotations correctly correctly in the above case?
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