Thanks for the advice Stuart. Having tried a few approaches I didn't get very far with starting a new Thread. Please could you help sketch out some pseudo code to get and use the XnioIoThread particularly in relation to the ChatServer example?

Using the WorkerThread requires

 WorkerThread(final NioXnioWorker worker, final Selector selector, final String name, final ThreadGroup group, final long stackSize, final int number) {
        super(worker, number, group, name, stackSize);
        this.selector = selector;

Do I need to create new NioXnioWorker workers, selectors etc?

If you have any examples in git you can point me to that would be appreciated. Thanks for your help.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 8:25 PM Stuart Douglas <> wrote:
You can use


One thing to be careful of though is that you need to make sure the
messages are actually being sent. If the messages are very large and
the client is very slow you can eventually run out of memory due to
messages being buffered.


On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 2:33 AM, Devl Devel <> wrote:
> Hi Guys
> I managed to implement a websocket server as per
> Question is whats the best way to get the websocket to send data every 1 or
> x second(x) irrespective of whether it got a message via onFullTextMessage?
> Any pointers would be appreciated.
> Thanks
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