
I've encountered what seems like a but with the handling of welcome files.  I am using Undertow 1.0.0 included in Wildfly 8.0.0

If I don't create a servlet mapping for the URL "/", then Undertow will automatically registers its own DefaultServlet as the mapping.  I would like "/" to automatically invoke a servlet that is mapped to some path like "/foo".  I don't setup an explicit mapping because I don't want my servlet to be the default servlet, because I still want static resources to get resolved automatically.

To get this to work, I create a welcome file entry "foo".  However, I think Undertow is ignoring this mapping in this circumstance.  I've done some debugging into Undertow and found that when the ServletPathMatchesData is created, the DefaultServlet is given an exact match "/" which forces requiredWelcomeFileMatch to false, (ServletPathMatchesData constructor) even if requiredWelcomeFileMatch was true for the DefaultServlet.  With requiredWelcomeFileMatch=false, the welcome file logic is skipped and control is given to the default servlet, which simply returns a 404 for "/".

Is my logic just flawed, or is this a bug?

Thank you