Hi Stuart,

Thanks for the prompt reply. I am developing a critical high-performance web server and I am unsure whether I could hit the issue of many connections sitting in TIME_WAIT state or not (I came across it through a wrongly designed benchmark), I know this could happen under different obscure scenarios but it mostly doesn't if things are more or less correct... I just wanted to be on the safe side to be able to set SO_LINGER to 0 if I ever need to.

For 2), I gave it a try and it seems to work, I see the semantics are similar to those of DoSFilter in Jetty: it rate-limits the number of requests per active connection, not overall. Except that there is a "pending" queue. What I like from the DoSFilter in Jetty is that it can also kill active requests if they take more than a certain number of milliseconds, is there something in Undertow like that or how would you implement it?


On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 10:23 PM, Stuart Douglas <sdouglas@redhat.com> wrote:
1) Why do you need to set this? In general Undertow won't close the
socket until all messages have been sent anyway.

2) Do you mean limit the number of active requests, or limit the
number of bytes per second that can be sent?

io.undertow.server.handlers.RequestLimitingHandler can limit the
number of active requests, while
io.undertow.server.handlers.ResponseRateLimitingHandler can be used to
limit the rate data is sent on a connection.


On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 9:53 PM, Pere Ferrera <ferrerabertran@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have two questions: 1) How can I configure the underlying socket parameter
> SO_LINGER using the Undertow API ? and 2) Is there something that I can use
> to rate-limit requests issued to an Undertow server ? (something similar to
> the DoS Filter in Jetty)
> Thanks,
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