On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 7:08 PM, Stuart Douglas <sdouglas@redhat.com> wrote:
It is not obvious, but you can add a wrapper to io.undertow.server.HttpServerExchange#addResponseWrapper, which will then be called just before the response is written.

Woh, that's indeed not entirely obvious! ;)

I guess I'll just have to return factory.create(); then, and right before that iterate over the cookies and change their value. Well, I'll try it. Thanks!

I currently solved the issue by setting the responseCookies instance variable of HttpServerExchange anyway by using reflection, but that's of course not so nice. Is there any reason there's isn't a setter? Lot's of other things are directly mutable it seems, like the relativePath and such (which is great for handlers that need to do request rewriting).

Kind regards,


Even though this primary purpose of this hook is to wrap the response channel, you can also use it to do actions that need to occur just before the response is written, such as modifying cookies.


arjan tijms wrote:

I'm trying to intercept the way that cookies are being written in
Undertow. The idea is to do something like can be done with a cookie
rewrite rule in Apache (like e.g. add or replace something to the domain
attribute of each and every cookie being written).

After some hacking on the Undertow code it became clear that
HttpServerExchange#setResonseCookie is the central place where cookies

However, HttpServerExchange is a final class, so can't (easily) be
wrapped. If HttpServerExchange only had a setResponseCookies method then
handlers could install a special map that does the rewriting, making
this a fairly easy task.

What do you think? Would it be a good idea to add such a method. or is
there an other way to easily do something like this?

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

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