
I have a J2EE project that runs a Resource Adapter to allow some socket communications to a CPP app, all running in Wildfly 9. I now want to write a java socket listener that reads broadcast messages on a TCP/IP connection and forward those broadcast message to a bunch of browser sessions. My deployment structure is ..



      JcaAdapter.rar  (tcp/ip socket reader lives in here)

      BusinessLogic.war (   jcaAdapter.getConnection() and receive tcp/ip messages )



Inside my BusinessLogic.war I have created a javax @ServerEndpoint(“/broadcasts/”) websocket endpoint for the JS browser clients. Inside my JcaAdapter.rar I have put a TCP/IP socket reader which constantly listens for broadcast messages. When they arrive I want to have a Java based WSS websocket client that sends the messages to the @ServerEndpoint websocket. My Wildfly instance is SSL so my web socket java client has to be WSS.


I have scoured the internet and safari books looking for an example client for WSS written in Java but have found nothing.


Any help or advice is so very appreciated.