Thanks Stuart, that did the trick.

I'm extending FileResourceManager to convert from the web path to an internal storage path and also trying to validation against the session to verify the logged-in state.  However, I'm running into a roadblock because `getResource` doesn't have access to the exchange to be able to get the cookie value.  I tried using ThreadLocal, but it's dispatched to another thread so that won't work either.  How am I supposed to access a cookie or session from within a ResourceManager.getResource?

On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 8:05 PM Stuart Douglas <> wrote:
For servlet or Undertow native?

For native it is controlled by the
io.undertow.server.session.SessionCookieConfig implementation that is
passed to the session manager.

For Servlet the standard way to do it is to use a
ServletContextListener to modify the domain under


On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 11:31 PM, Hicks, Matt <> wrote:
> I can't seem to figure out any way to configure the session manager to
> define the domain of the cookie.  I want the domain to be * so
> the cookie is shared across multiple sub-domains.  Can someone give me an
> example of how to do this?
> Thanks
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