The max-content-size predicate will always return false for chunked
encoding. You need something like 'exists(%{o,Transfer-encoding}) or
> ______________________________
On Sun, Oct 9, 2016 at 10:55 PM, Antoine Girard
<> wrote:
> Dear Undertow devs,
> I originally posted the below question on the Wildfly forum and was advised
> to do it here instead.
> I am using the Undertow EncodingHandler with a Gzip Encoding provider, as
> follows (sample code taken from an Undertow unit test):
> final EncodingHandler handler =
> new EncodingHandler(new ContentEncodingRepository()
> .addEncodingHandler("gzip",
> new GzipEncodingProvider(), 50,
> Predicates.parse("max-content-size[5]")))
> .setNext(path);
> It works fine for very small response bodies, however, when Undertow starts
> to use the Chunked Transfer-Encoding, the Gzip compression is simply
> ignored.
> My question is basically: how to apply a Gzip encoding (or other
> compression) before Undertow starts chunking the response?
> Could it be a bug?
> Also, and I could not really track it down from the source code, how does
> Undertow decide to start chunking the response?
> Thanks in advance!
> Cheers,
> Antoine
> undertow-dev mailing list