----- Forwarded Message -----
From: KT Nabe <th_nabe@yahoo.com>
To: "undertow-dev@lists.jboss.org" <undertow-dev@lists.jboss.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2017 5:34 AM
Subject: Idiomatic POST body handling


Is there an idiomatic/preferred/recommended way to configure an httphandler in such a way that it is invoked only after all of the request headers *and* body have been *both* drained (read from socket) and parsed?  Obviously would need a way to say, "parse entity/body bytes as String".

I've inferred that standard http-handlers are only invoked after the http headers have been drained and parsed, and that they are invoked on an io thread.
Here's what I've been doing in the default handler:

if (exchange.isInIOThread()

  exchange.getRequestReceiver().receiveFullString(exchange ->  .....)

But it's occurred to me that this is inefficient, since I'm (I think):
IO Thread -> dispatch -> Worker-Thread -> IO-Thread (to drain/parse body as String) -> WorkerThread (receiveFullString callback)

Now the above works, but I don't think it's optimal
I do want the receiveFullString callback to execute in an worker thread (since it blocks), this is why I included the initial dispatch call,  basically I just want a handler lambda to be:

if exchange.isInIOThread()
   assert   body-has-been-fully-drained-and-parsed-as-string
  String body = exchange.getBodyAsString??

I'm assuming exchange.getRequestReceiver().receiveFullString is *always* asynchronous.
What's the best way to do this, since it's such a common pattern?