I'm not positive but I believe you need to look into the AcceptingChannel. See the bound AcceptingChannel for HTTP here.
Digging a little further you find NioXnioWorker.createTcpConnectionServer
Notice the backlog option. The Javadoc from ServerSocker.bind
* The {@code backlog} argument is the requested maximum number of
* pending connections on the socket. Its exact semantics are implementation
* specific. In particular, an implementation may impose a maximum length
* or may choose to ignore the parameter altogther. The value provided
* should be greater than {@code 0}. If it is less than or equal to
* {@code 0}, then an implementation specific default will be used.
* @param endpoint The IP address and port number to bind to.
* @param backlog requested maximum length of the queue of
* incoming connections.
So depending on the implementation it may or may not queue.
Then back to Undertow you can find
.set(Options.BACKLOG, 1000)
So it defaults to a queue size of 1000 as long as the underlying implementation supports it. You can configure it with the BACKLOG option.