Hi, Mikhail.

I got the same log.

Undertow: io.undertow:undertow-core:1.0.0.Final
OS: Fedora19(64bit)
JDK: OpenJDK 1.7.0_51
Client: Google Chrome 32.0.1700.107, Firefox 26.0

Thread #XNIO-1 I/O-1 is I/O : handle this
Thread #XNIO-1 task-1 Start waiting
Thread #XNIO-1 task-1 Finish waiting

Thread #XNIO-1 I/O-1 is I/O : handle this
Thread #XNIO-1 task-2 Start waiting
Thread #XNIO-1 task-2 Finish waiting

Thread #XNIO-1 I/O-1 is I/O : handle this
Thread #XNIO-1 task-3 Start waiting
Thread #XNIO-1 task-3 Finish waiting

but, I got the expected following log by using curl.
Thread #XNIO-1 I/O-1 is I/O : handle this
Thread #XNIO-1 task-1 Start waiting
Thread #XNIO-1 I/O-1 is I/O : handle this
Thread #XNIO-1 task-2 Start waiting
Thread #XNIO-1 I/O-2 is I/O : handle this
Thread #XNIO-1 task-3 Start waiting
Thread #XNIO-1 task-1 Finish waiting

Thread #XNIO-1 task-2 Finish waiting

Thread #XNIO-1 task-3 Finish waiting

hmm...Does it depends on browser settings?

Yoshimasa Tanabe

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 3:10 PM, Mikhail Tyamin <mikhail.tiamine@gmail.com> wrote:

I am pretty sure, 15 sec. delay is enough to open additional browsers windows ;-)

I try to run code with io.undertow:undertow-core:1.0.0.Final on mac with OS X 10.9.1   with jdk 1.7.0_51.

So, could anybody reproduce this issue or give me feedback where is my error?


2014-02-18 5:22 GMT+02:00 Stuart Douglas <sdouglas@redhat.com>:

Are you sure the requests are actually being made simultaneously? That code should definitely work.


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mikhail Tyamin" <mikhail.tiamine@gmail.com>
> To: undertow-dev@lists.jboss.org
> Sent: Monday, 17 February, 2014 3:03:41 PM
> Subject: [undertow-dev] what I do wrong?
> Hello guys,
> could you help me a little bit with Undertow?
> I follow all instructions in Undertown's poor documentation. So here is the
> class :
> public class HelloWorldServer {
> public static void main(String... args) {
> Undertow server = Undertow.builder()
> .addHttpListener(8080, "localhost")
> .setHandler(new HttpHandler() {
> @Override
> public void handleRequest(final HttpServerExchange exchange) throws Exception
> {
> if (exchange.isInIoThread()) {
> System.out.println("Thread #" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " is I/O :
> handle this");
> exchange.dispatch(this);
> return;
> }
> //[1]
> System.out.println("Thread #" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Start
> waiting");
> Thread.sleep(15000);
> System.out.println("Thread #" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Finish
> waiting");
> System.out.println();
> exchange.getResponseHeaders().put(Headers.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");
> exchange.getResponseSender().send("Hello world from thread " +
> Thread.currentThread().getId());
> //[2]
> }
> }).build();
> server.start();
> }
> }
> When I start it and make three http get request simultaneously I can see this
> output in console :
> Thread #XNIO-1 I/O-1 is I/O : handle this
> Thread #XNIO-1 task-1 Start waiting
> Thread #XNIO-1 task-1 Finish waiting
> Thread #XNIO-1 I/O-1 is I/O : handle this
> Thread #XNIO-1 task-2 Start waiting
> Thread #XNIO-1 task-2 Finish waiting
> Thread #XNIO-1 I/O-1 is I/O : handle this
> Thread #XNIO-1 task-3 Start waiting
> Thread #XNIO-1 task-3 Finish waiting
> I think that code beetween //[1] and //[2] should perform in separate thread
> (and as we can see from the console it really does), but why the main I/O
> thread are waiting and does not handle other requests?
> So if my code is correct than it means that Undertow could handle one request
> in time...
> What I do wrong?
> Best,
> Mikhail
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