
I'm proud to announce the release of undertow-pac4j v1.2.0: https://github.com/pac4j/undertow-pac4j

It supports most:
- authentication mechanisms: OAuth (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo...), CAS, HTTP (form, basic auth...), OpenID, SAML, Google App Engine, OpenID Connect, JWT, LDAP, RDBMS, MongoDB and Stormpath
- authorization checks: roles / permissions, CSRF, security headers...

It's based on Java 8, Undertow 1.3 and pac4j v1.9.1.

pac4j v1.9 is a big upgrade compared to v1.8: 
- all dependencies have been upgraded, the source code has been cleaned (-15%)
- multi-profiles are now supported
- the extension capabilities have been highly improved (core components can now throw a HttpAction to break the flow and perform any specific behaviour).

Check out the demo: https://github.com/pac4j/undertow-pac4j-demo

Best regards,