Some conversation-related questions

1. In WeldPhaseListener.activateConversations(), it appears as if the conversation context is never activated if an unknown cid comes in. Shouldn't the conversation context still be active but with a transient conversation? Moving the conversationContext.activate(cid); before the check might work.

2. Is there any way of setting the conversation timeout globally? The constant defined in AbstractConversationContext appears to be injected into the constructor of the ConversationImpl. If it would be acquired from a producer method, could it then be specialized?

3. Should we have a concept of a "foreground conversation" in Weld so that an incoming cid to a known, non-transient conversation would resurrect the conversation even if it has been expired (but not yet cleaned up)? If I read the code correctly, a cid that comes in after the expire time has passed is still taken into use for the request but at the end marked as ended and then cleaned up as transient.
