Instead of making the developer add the Weld Servle listener in their web.xml when using weld-servlet, might we consider registering it for them automatically but including it in a web.xml fragment or TLD that's bundled in weld-servlet.jar? The benefit of using the TLD is that it would work in pre-Servlet 3.0 environments.
An empty tag library that registers a listener to bootstrap Weld in a Servlet container.
This ServletContextListener initializes the runtime environment of the CDI
Reference Implementation (Weld) when a web application including it is
initialized by the container.
Btw, we are already including other automatic configurations, such as a JSF phase listener and view handler (META-INF/faces-config.xml).
Worthy of a JIRA?
Dan Allen
Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597