As most of you are probably aware I have been looking at performance issues this week, mainly focusing on memory usage and startup time. I have managed to get a fair bit done, and right now I can't really see anything that would give any more significant improvements (not all my changes have been merged into master, but they should be merged soon). 

To give everyone an idea of where the performance is at now, and where it was, I did up a few quick tables, these were done using weld-se so there is no jbossas overhead. 

Startup Time (Seconds)

Beans 1.0.1-Final 1.1.0.Beta1 Latest
500 4 4 2.1
1000 8 7 3
5000 140 89 8.5
10000 600+ 396 14

Memory Usage (Mb)
Beans 1.0.1-Final 1.1.0.Beta1 Latest
500 42 27 10
1000 82 53 19
5000 403 255 87
10000 ~800 507 172

 As you can see, we have come a long way since weld 1.0.1 :-)
