Thanks for these guidelines Pete. I was feeling a bit confused about whether I should be stacking assertions on a test or not. Now I've got a clear picture.


Btw, they are now on the wiki: (feel free to reorganize)

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Pete Muir <> wrote:

Since the TCK audit has been rebuilt recently, we've lost a lot of the
granularity of the report. As we go through checking it we need to
make sure to reintroduce that granularity.

Here are a few guidelines (of course, sometimes they don't hold):

* A testcase should verify one thing
   - in other words don't check two distinct thing in the same testcase
   - it may well be the case that the spec asserts the same thing
multiple times (in different places), then it is fine to reuse the
   - it may well be the case that a single check proves multiple
things (for example the fact that a bean resolves could be checking
type resolution rules, binding resolution rules etc.)
   - use common sense - if a test seems to be checking > 1thing,
split it up

* An assertion should be fine grained
   - if an assertion is being checked in multiple testcases (as
defined above), it's often an indication that the assertion isn't fine
grained enough
   - sometimes multiple testcases are needed, but you should think
hard about whether you can split the assertion up (use tools like the
highlighter (_highlight_) and strikethrough(~strikethrough~) to split
the assertion up)
   - if an assertion has something like "X and Y must through a
definition error if P, Q or R" then you should consider splitting this
into 2 * 3 = 6 assertions so that a test can be assigned to each one

if you need to split an assertions, takes it current ID and add an
extra letter on the end.

If you are wondering why these guidelines - simply that it makes
getting an overview of the TCK easily - we can scan through and check:

* how well covered a section is (whether or not it uses dense text to
define something)
* compare how dense a section is
* view easily how covered a section is
* easily check that a test is relevant to an assertion.
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Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597