On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 2:39 PM, Steven Boscarine <steven.boscarine@childrens.harvard.edu> wrote:
I checked build.xml and you are correct.  The script accommodates local.build.properties.

In a way, local.build.properties is for Weld developers (using SVN) more than end users (who will likely just modify build.properties if need be). I would throw it in the documentation, saying that it is for developers who want to override w/o touching build.properties. But that really it is intended for the developers.

I can put in the JBOSS_HOME fix.  I'll be my first time editing an ANT script in 5 years.  ANT is my ex-wife.  I'll be interesting to check up on her.   :)

Ant is the type of ex-wife (or ex-husband) that always welcomes you home. Then you hate yourself for coming back.


Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597
