Just brainstorming here but:

1) Methods could observe the raw Event<Type> to receive all events of that type.  Then Event would need to expose the qualifiers publicly - maybe as high up as AbstractFacade?  

Something like:  public void allStrings(@Observes Event<String> event);

2) Allow registration of a new interface:  EventHandler. BeanManager.fireEvent() would be required to fire the event on all registered handlers.  The current event observer resolver would be the first implementation of this.

3) Same idea as #2 but restricted to Portable Extensions.


On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 5:36 PM, Gavin King <gavin.king@gmail.com> wrote:
Hrm. That's true. That's on oversight. Do you have a proposed solution
to this problem? I would be open to addressing this issue in the CDI

On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 11:19 AM, Jordan Ganoff <jganoff@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to route Events from a portable extension (to be the Seam 3 JMS
> module).  After talking to David Allen it seems there is currently no way to
> get the qualifiers for a fired event.  Without the qualifiers it doesn't
> seem like routing outside of Weld-core is possible.  The idea of using an
> Interceptor on BeanManager.fireEvent() would have worked but we can't assign
> Interceptors to an existing class.
> Any ideas?
> --
> Jordan Ganoff
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Gavin King