Yep but this is on implementation level, the JBoss - weld integration sticks the WeldListener in all deployments through meta-data manipulation. Previously it just got the list of listeners and added it to the end of the list (i.e. not with a xml file). I tried putting it first but that didn't help so the question is, "is the ordering done at a later stage?" and "how can we get it first in all cases?" and "can we simulate a web-fragment etc so that the ordering is portable?"
I've quoted some passages from the Servlet 3.0 spec to clarify.As you know:Prior to this release of the specification, listeners were invoked in a random order.As of servlet 3.0, the order in which listeners are invoked is defined in “Assemblingthe descriptor from web.xml, web-fragment.xml and annotations”The spec acknowledges that:Since the specification allows the application configuration resources to becomposed of multiple configuration files (web.xml and web-fragment.xml),discovered and loaded from several different places in the application, the questionof ordering must be addressed.The web.xml (or web-fragment.xml) must have a <name> element to participate in ordering.Since you are dealing with web.xml, you will need to use the absolute ordering:1. Absolute ordering: an <absolute-ordering> element in the web.xml.a. In this case, ordering preferences that would have been handled by case 2below must be ignored.b. The web.xml MUST be processed before any of the web-fragments listed in theabsolute-ordering element.c. Any <name> element direct children of the <absolute-ordering> MUST beinterpreted as indicating the absolute ordering in which those named web-fragments, which may or may not be present, must be processed.d. The <absolute-ordering> element may contain zero or one <others />element. The required action for this element is described below. If the<absolute-ordering> element does not contain an <others/> element,any web-fragment not specifically mentioned within <name /> elementsMUST be ignored. Excluded jars are not scanned for annotated servlets, filtersor listeners. However, if a servlet, filter or listener from an excluded jar is listedin web.xml or a non-excluded web-fragment.xml, then it's annotations willapply unless otherwise excluded by metadata-complete.ServletContextListeners discovered in TLD files of excluded jars are notable to configure filters and servlets using the programmatic APIs. Anyattempt to do so will result in an IllegalStateException. If a discoveredServletContainerInitializer is loaded from an excluded jar, it will beignored. Excluded jars are not scanned for classes to be handled by anyServletContainerInitializer.e. Duplicate name exception: if, when traversing the children of <absolute-ordering>, multiple children with the same <name> element are encountered,only the first such occurrence must be considered.Hopefully you can parse all that and get further along. I recommend you checkout the spec for more details, and let us know your results!-DanOn Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 3:20 AM, Nicklas Karlsson <> wrote:
Hi,I'm tinkering with the servlet listener -> CDI event bridge in the seam-servlet module and noticed that currently the WeldListener is placed last in the PostWebMetadataDeployer in weld-int.I changed this (and verified it with the debugger) but still my own servlet listener fires first (expecting the contexts to be up), causing problems. Any theories as to why this is? How could we guarantee thatthe WeldListener is the first one to fire?
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Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597