Are you defining JBoss 6 as a JBoss 5.1 server?  I installed JBoss tools and didn't see an option for 6.x.  I attached a screenshot.

On 12/12/2009 06:49 PM, Dan Allen wrote:
On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 5:33 PM, Steven Boscarine <> wrote:
Since many of you are actively writing JEE 6 apps in JBoss 6.0.0.M1,
which tools are you using to publish your changes and debug your code?

The obvious choose here is JBoss Tools. What we need to do is see if we can go from Maven archetype -> project -> JBoss Tools setup. That is really a key effort for these archetypes anyway. Most of the JBoss Tools setup is simply activating the plugins, which sometimes happens automatically and other times requires some tweaking of the Eclipse project files.