On Dec 29, 2008, at 12:10 PM, Michael Keith wrote:

The difference is that in the case of web.xml or orm.xml, there is
exactly one document that contains the whole schema, and the developer
does not need to use XML namespaces. Whereas in web beans, the schema
is partitioned between multiple files, and there is a requirement that
the XML author understand namespaces.

Right. I meant a single canonical specification-defined schema that can
be used as a reference by any and everyone that creates a config file.

The library component configuration needs validation because Web Beans is solving a meta-configuration problem.  The validation of the meta-syntax itself is less important and less useful than validating the configured objects themselves.

The spec's Admin example shows the value and need of validating the object's custom configuration.


If the meta-syntax were changed to a DTD style as you're proposing, it would be easier to validate the meta-syntax, but impossible to validate the component's configuration.  Consider converting the example to JSF 1.2 model configuration as an example DTD syntax.  True, it's easy to validate the JSF model syntax, but it's not possible to validate the model parameters.  You lose out.  The result is not simpler, nor more readable, nor more robust, despite its DTD style.

Validation of the component's configuration is ultimately the problem that needs solving.  Validating the meta-syntax is just housekeeping.

If I correctly understand your above description/expectation of schema
generation, then knowing the schema(s) being generated and then finding,
referencing and using them would actually add an additional level of
difficulty, I would think.

Only if the library developer creates the schema.  I'd think the schema would be optional.  If it doesn't exist, then the library components won't be validated, but they can still be configured.

-- Scott