
I have a customer who is experiencing out of memory errors. A memory analysis has found a CreationalContextImpl object containing a Collections$SynchronizedRandomAccessList that in turn contains a lot of SerializableContextualInstanceImpl objects. While the Memory Analysis cannot provide field names there are only two lists it could be: parentDependentInstances and dependentInstances

Given this I was hoping someone could tell me when objects are supposed to be removed from those two lists, and what/who is responsible for triggering removal from those two lists? I do not see any code to remove an object from parentDependentInstances and while objects are removed from dependentInstances they are done so in the method destroyDependentInstance, which is not part of either of the public interfaces implemented by this class: javax.enterprise.context.spi.CreationalContext and org.jboss.weld.construction.api.WeldCreationalContext

Thank you for your help
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