
I have more couple of questions and observations about TCK tests.

1* Conversation Related Tests : Are conversation related tests not depending on the JSF runtime? Because we are using the JSF semantic in project,
so all ConversationRelated standalone tests are failed.

2* Some of the standalone tests are related with Enterprise Beans. Some of them are grouped using "enterprisebean", but lots of them not. Its great to separate
the all EnterpriseBeans related tests with "enterprisebean" TestNG group. Therefore, we can easily test our non-enterprise beans part.

3* In test ProducerFieldDefinitionTest, there is a class

class FunnelWeaver<T>

This class is a ParametrizedType with Type variable, so it is not a simple web bean. But tests are dependent on this class. So we are getting
UnSatisfiedDependencyException. Is this correct behaviour?

4* Currently in the TCK Trunk, some of the tests are return "false" assertion, but it does not grouped into "stub".

