wrote on 01/08/2009 08:40:35 AM:
> Certainly *some* other EE DDs could benefit from the namespaced-
> based approach:
> * ejb-jar.xml, certainly
> * perhaps some of the WS DDs, but I've never used this stuff so I'm not sure
> but most of the other DDs are just fine as they are:
> * application.xml
> * web.xml
> * jsf-config.xml
> * taglib.tld
> None of these would really benefit much from the new-style XML,
> because they aren't being used to configure third-party components (at
> least, not any more in EE 6!)
> Finally, the following two "DD"s, which *are* used to configure
> third-party components *already* use the "new" style:
> * JSP pages
> * JSF pages
Can you elaborate? When I look at faces-config.xml, I see something
that looks like the typical DD elements we've seen in the past:
That's not a new style and given that JSPs are defined in the web.xml,
I'm not sure what "new" style you are talking about. Note, we're
talking about metadata syntax, not the JSP/JSF page source.
Jim Knutson
WebSphere J2EE Architect