Hi [~sdfelts] Quickly glancing at this new JDK 9 option, it seems to be doing exactly the same thigs as {{--add-opens}}, but for pretty much every internal JDK module, right? Because I know that for our testsuite on JDK 9 we had to add some of those, namely {{--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED}}.
Do you have any kind of reproducer or perhaps a bigger stacktrace you get without this option? If the error comes from JBoss Classfilewriter, then the error is the same we encountered before.
- What I *think* is the cause, is that when Weld needs to create proxy classes (done by classfilewriter) it then needs to "register" it with current classloader, which means a call to {{java.lang.ClassLoader#defineClass}} and this call is likely done with reflection. Not sure if there is anything we can do about that, though. -
Actually, this comes from our code where we use reflections to load ClassLoader and then the {{defineClass}} method. Still, don't know if there is any way to do this in JDK 9 without getting Illegal access warnings/errors. |