I apologize if this not the correct forum to post this question, but I tried looking at the Weld forums and everything appears dormant (even the link to the user's forum is 404 on the Weld site).  So I suspected this would be the second best place to ask for some clarity.

I'm trying to understand the sequencing of CDI events vs bean initialization.  I'm currently concentrating on CDI 1.2/Weld 2.3.5, but figure that this information will be applicable to CDI2.0 as well.   I've tried finding documentation online and posting on StackOverflow and neither have produced any results.  Specifically, I am confused about the sequencing of CDI events vs when/how bean methods are called.  Given what I have read, the following are the events that are triggered by the CDI container:
  • BeforeBeanDiscovery
  • ProcessAnnotatedType and ProcessSyntheticAnnotatedType
  • AfterTypeDiscovery
  • ProcessInjectionTarget and ProcessProducer
  • ProcessInjectionPoint
  • ProcessBeanAttributes
  • ProcessBean, ProcessManagedBean, ProcessSessionBean, ProcessProducerMethod and ProcessProducerField
  • ProcessObserverMethod
  • AfterBeanDiscovery
  • AfterDeploymentValidation
  • BeforeShutdown
Given these events, when are the events which produce @Initialized(ApplicationScoped.class) and @Destroyer(ApplicationScoped.class) triggered?  In which part of the lifecycle?  Are they triggered in the @PostConstruct equivalent of the Scoping bean (what is the bean backing the ApplicationScope?  I cannot find the implementation in the Weld core - am I even looking in the right place?)?

Which brings me to the next question - in which stage of the container setup are the @PostConstruct methods on the beans called?  Are they called in the `AfterDeploymentValidation` phase?  Or is it somewhat asynchronous - in that the @PostConstruct of an ApplicationScoped bean will be called only when initialized; and that could happen during any of the stages?  From what I understand, the BeanManager.getReference() is not allowed prior to the AfterDeploymentValidation event being fired, which to me would imply that beans can only be instantiated (and therefore @PostConstruct'ed) after the `AfterDeploymentValidation` phase. 

Can anyone direct me towards some clarification of these points?  I've tried reading the CDI 1.2 user guide (https://docs.jboss.org/cdi/learn/userguide/CDI-user-guide.html), but that hasn't provided the details I am looking for.  Additionally, I've tried reading through the Weld code but can't find the answers I'm looking for.

