Hello Eduardo,

Emmanuel is trying something with the archetype but he needs to be able to pull it from Nexus, would you mind if I "mvn deploy" a SNAPSHOT of the current PR so he can experiment with it?

Darran Lofthouse.

On Thu, Aug 10, 2023 at 9:18 AM Jeff Mesnil <jmesnil@redhat.com> wrote:
> Having said that, another Step that would be very interesting to showcase would be to run « mvn wildly:dev » make a tweak to the application codebase and see the changes in the running app.
> This makes sense to me too. I'm not suggesting that we do this for the getting started, but I do think using run or dev makes sense there.

As an idea, I added a « step 4. Continuous Development » to my PoC at http://jmesnil.github.io/wildfly.org//getstarted/

That makes the experience a bit more playful and interactive.


Jeff Mesnil
Engineer @ Red Hat JBoss EAP