I sent below preview to TheCore.  But I'd like to give status and get development feedback from wildfly-dev.

* The current implementation only pulls Keycloak modules into WildFly Full.  WildFly Core only needs Keycloak at compile time.
* You can still use Keycloak with wf-core, but you need to install the modules yourself.
* The current implementation may change a great deal based on Elytron.  I'd like to discuss with someone from that team.
* Thanks to Juca Krohling, who has been preparing integration tests for this.
* If you follow the setup directions in the preview, you see that the last step is to unzip some stuff into WildFly.  The zip file contains the Keycloak auth server, a standalone-keycloak.xml file, and an initial Keycloak database configured for Web Console.  I'm wondering if one or more of these items should ship with WildFly Full?  If not, how do we make it as easy as possible to get Keycloak up and running?

Waiting issue:
To merge this, we have to wait on two releases.  First is a new Keycloak release, which should be in the next two weeks.  After that, I can do a PR against WildFly Core.   After waiting for a WildFly Core release, I can do a PR against WildFly Full.

The waiting is OK as long as it doesn't drag out too much.   I'm hoping the WildFly Core releases are indeed very frequent.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Preview: Keycloak-secured Web Console in WildFly 9
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 15:36:50 -0400
From: Stan Silvert <ssilvert@redhat.com>
To: thecore@redhat.com

If you want to see the Web Console secured by Keycloak, follow these 
quick and easy instructions.  Setup takes about 5 minutes.

Once you are done, you can see
* Web Console using Keycloak login.
* Single Signon between Web Console and Keycloak Admin
* Single Log Out
* Add/Remove Web Console users from Keycloak
* Manage RBAC roles for Web Console users from Keycloak
* Lots of other cool Keycloak features
