If there's no further input on this, I want to publish a blog post about this on wildfly.org this week and mention the post on the wildfly google group, twitter and fosstodon.

I'll note that these are all estimates that can change, and specifically that the WF 29 date may shift a couple weeks as we keep an eye on what happens with any MicroProfile release in June. (Thanks for asking about that, Jeff.)


On Thu, Apr 6, 2023 at 12:20 PM Brian Stansberry <brian.stansberry@redhat.com> wrote:
Thanks, Scott. Personally, I think that's for the best.

I think we *mostly* should not try to adapt a WildFly time-boxed release schedule to align with expected Jakarta EE or MicroProfile releases. And we should avoid feature boxing releases for them as well.  I don't think Jakarta EE is at all predictable enough to try and schedule align. MicroProfile has historically been more predictable, but it's hard to align. To align well we'd need to go for 3 releases a year, for example late March / late July / late Nov. And then if the MP release was delayed, or our impl was delayed, it doesn't get in the WF release and the delay before it gets into the next WF is even longer.

I said "mostly" above because I think our schedules should be "roughly" quarterly. I think it's fine to shift things around by two, maybe three, weeks if we think that will give us a chance to have a more meaningful release. So, for example, if we feel that MP is going to consistently do releases in June and we expect to be able to pick up that release quickly, maybe we'd schedule the July release for late July instead of mid July. The next release then has a shorter dev cycle.  That's something we can foresee early in a release cycle and if we want such a shift we can adjust the release schedule that we announce for that release accordingly.

If a major spec release comes out and for marketing purposes we want to certify as compatible on its release date we can always produce an alpha or beta, or even a minor. That's what we did with EE 10.

EE platform updates are good examples of dev work that may not fit in a single time box. (Historically MP has been less of a problem.) I hope this year we can improve our feature delivery processes a lot and move toward a system where we can efficiently promote features to higher 'maturity' levels.[1] How exactly that would apply to EE spec updates is unclear to me, but the EE update use case is a good one to think about as we work on this stuff this year.  In the end though, time-boxing means sometimes dev work needs to be maintained on a topic branch for a longer period. We've done that before.

Best regards,

On Thu, Apr 6, 2023 at 9:56 AM Scott Stark <sstark@redhat.com> wrote:
The earliest EE11 could be out is Q1 2024. I don't see that happening. I would expect something in Q4 2024 at the earliest.

On Apr 6, 2023 at 8:50:54 AM, Jeff Mesnil <jmesnil@redhat.com> wrote:
Thanks Brian for the information.

It's great that WildFly goes back to a predictable time-boxed release schedule.

The January/April/July/October looks better, it removes stress to hurry things in September (after summer holiday) and December (before time off).

I was just wondering how new releases of Jakarta EE and MicroProfile could affect the schedule.
Would we adapt the schedule for them? Or if we miss some implementation, we will release without them and add them in the next release?


On Mon, Apr 3, 2023 at 7:17 PM Brian Stansberry <brian.stansberry@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,

After spending the last year plus in a feature-boxed release scheduling mode, I think it would be both good and feasible to get the WildFly project back into the roughly time-boxed delivery model that we managed pretty successfully starting with WildFly 12. This thread is to gather inputs from the WildFly developer community about doing that over the next year. After discussing here, my aim is to post our plans to the broader WildFly community via a wildfly.org news post and a thread on the wildfly google group.

One question is what length of time boxes we would shoot for. 

Personally I thought the roughly quarterly cadence worked well. It seemed short enough that we didn't find ourselves regularly stressing about getting a particular feature into a particular release because it would otherwise have to wait too long. I could imagine trying to go for a shorter cycle, but I don't think that's really practical right now. Optimizing our delivery processes to make that more practical would be a good goal for the next year though.

If we go back to quarterly releases, the next question is what that schedule would look like. If we assume WildFly 28 goes out as planned[1], then a quarterly cadence would look like this:

WildFly 29 Beta - Thur Jun 29
WildFly 29 Final – Thur Jul 13

WildFly 30 Beta – Thur Sep 28
WildFly 30 Final – Thur Oct 12

WildFly 31 Beta – Thur Dec 14 [2]
WildFly 31 Final – Thur Jan 11

WildFly 32 Beta – Thur Mar 28
WildFly 32 Final -- Thur Apr 11

Those dates are the Thursdays when the release is announced on and download links are added to wildfly.org. We'd want PRs ready intended for the release to be ready to merge 6 days before that date, i.e. the preceding Friday.

In the past we tried for a March/June/September/December cadence, but, besides that fact the April WildFly 28 will become a starting point, my sense is January/April/July/October will work better. A lot of developers go on holidays in late July and August, which tended to make September releases difficult. And then aiming for a mid-December Final release was often a problem, because any delay would push the release into the late December period when folks are away, driving the actual release into January. Even if that didn't happen, the possibility made December releases stressful.

I don't think a strictly quarterly cadence is necessary; e.g. we could make the Apr-Jul release cycle a couple weeks shorter to get that release out of July and into June, if devs would find that better for their summer schedules.

Note that my idea here isn't to come up with a set-in-stone schedule a year in advance. It's more to come up with general idea that we can promise to our community (e.g. 4 releases in a year) and a rough prediction when they will be.

[2] Note that the WildFly 31 Beta date is significantly further ahead of the Final date than the typical 2 weeks. This is so the Beta is done and released before so many devs end work for the year.

Best regards,

Brian Stansberry
Project Lead, WildFly
wildfly-dev mailing list -- wildfly-dev@lists.jboss.org
To unsubscribe send an email to wildfly-dev-leave@lists.jboss.org

Jeff Mesnil
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat
wildfly-dev mailing list -- wildfly-dev@lists.jboss.org
To unsubscribe send an email to wildfly-dev-leave@lists.jboss.org

Brian Stansberry
Principal Architect, Red Hat JBoss EAP

Brian Stansberry
Principal Architect, Red Hat JBoss EAP