On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 3:14 PM Andrew Marlow <marlow.agents@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello everyone,

I am moving from JDK8 to JDK11 and am running into some wildfly issues. I am using the ancient version 9.0.1. Please don't laugh.

Am I being unreasonable to hope that it might work with JDK11. If so then I think the best thing to do might be to move to the latest (20.0.1). I am reluctant to do this because I have moved versions before (not often) and I find the configuration changes to be, ahem, challenging.

Our development processes should be much more stable now so migrating from one major version to the next should not be a massive undertaking.  In most cases you can bring your configuration over from the prior version.  

The biggest change we made in WildFly 11 was the introduction of a new security layer based on WildFly Elytron, however for now the legacy security solution is available in parallel.  At some point legacy security will be removed so we know that is a migration activity that will be needed.

However overall I would recommend anyone making use of the WildFly releases incorporates into their processes steps to routinely keep up to date, in addition to the new development these releases contain many fixes including security fixes.  This way it is a regular maintenance task to keep up to date rather than a migration across 11 major versions.  If anyone is able to do this and test against the Beta releases we produce it is also an opportunity to let us know when we have broken something, no guarantees but we do try and take this into account - I have seen numerous bug fixes go in either as a result of feedback against the Beta or against the X.0.0.Final release.

I have already removed some stuff that I wasn't using anyway and that is no longer present in JDK11, i.e. IIOP related stuff since CORBA is no more. It only helped in that it removed clutter from the log and enabled me to see more clearly the error I am getting now.

The error I am getting is: failed to start service jboxx.txn.ArjunaObjectStoreEnvironment. It seems to be failing to find a class by reflection. I am getting:
ClassNotFoundException: jdk.internal.reflect.ConstructorAccessorImpl from [Module "org.jboss.jts:main" from local module loader

I can't help wondering if this might be to do with certain modules/classes becoming inaccessible with the move to modules that was made in JDK9. This is just a suspicion, I could easily be wrong and without further information that theory doesn't really get me anywhere.

Can anybody help me out please?
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