
Over the summer a number of us (primarily James Perkins, Jeff Mesnil and Darran Lofthouse) have been working on various types of tooling related to managing the WildFly Feature Development Process[1]. Now that feature dev work for WF 34 is complete we are rolling out some of what we’ve been doing so we can benefit from some automation during work on 35.

1) Updates to the overall Feature Process document

We have significantly beefed up the WildFly Community Feature Process document to much more completely describe the process the developers should follow when adding new features to WildFly or promoting existing features to higher stability levels.

The rest of this message touches on things more fully described in that document.

2) New feature planning board

We’ve added a GitHub project to the wildfly GitHub org that we will use to track feature development work:


Each feature undergoing development will be tracked by a GitHub issue tied to this project (more on those issues in the next section).

In the past the set of issues that were in-flight for a WildFly release have either been tracked on the back of a napkin (by me) or lately in a spreadsheet (by the more organized Darran). Both approaches are inadequate and are hidden from the community. A GitHub project seems to meet our needs nicely.[2]

Feature teams should use the project to update the overall status of their issues:


Feature teams or the coordinator for a release can ‘schedule’ issues by assigning an “Development Window”. We’ll create ‘windows’ for each WF feature release, starting with 35 and 36. A window for release N will run from the date after the Beta release of N -1 through the intended Beta release date for N.


Scheduling is not a commitment; it’s just a way of keeping track of which issues are being worked and may land in a given release.

3) New issue tracker

We’re using GitHub issues in the wildfly-proposals repo as the source of issues for the WildFly Feature Planning project.

Yes, this means feature teams will need to file another issue and associate it with development of the feature. But we want this to be really lightweight for feature teams. Just go to https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-proposals/issues/new/choose and select “Feature Development”. You get a very simple form:


Note that you can also navigate to this form the ‘Add item’ link in https://github.com/orgs/wildfly/projects/7/views/1.

4) Using formal metadata fields (asciidoc attributes) in feature analyses

A key goal of our tooling is to avoid wasting contributors’ time doing redundant entry of information related to a feature. It seems like the primary source of data for tracking development of a feature has been the feature analysis document itself. So we want to try and capture as much information as possible in the analyses and then have other tools extract and use that data.

The data we need is mostly already required in the analyses, but up to now we provide it via raw asciidoc text. What’s new is instead for data that we want our tooling to process we are going to require that the information instead be provided using asciidoc attributes at the top of the document.

We’ve just merged updates to wildfly-proposals such that a GitHub action will check for the presence of required attributes and label the PR if any are missing. We’ve been doing this for a while checking for the ‘category’ attribute. We’re now checking for two additional attributes:

* stability-level -- the feature stability level

* issue -- a link to the GitHub issue discussed above.

If you send up a new analysis PR or update an existing one you are likely going to have your PR flagged up by this automation as missing required attributes. Please update the PR to conform to the new way of presenting data.

It is not necessary to include information present in these attributes in the document text. We’ve updated the feature analysis template[3] to remove the suggestion to include this data in the text and instead explain the need for the attributes.

Note that even though this information only appears in the analysis file in asciidoc attributes, that doesn’t mean it will be hidden from users once the analysis is merged. We’ve added logic to the Jeykll tooling that renders the analysis asciidoc files such that it adds the relevant data to the rendered documents we provide to users.[4] We also add labels to the analysis PRs to show their stability level.

We’ve also added three other attributes, but haven’t added tooling yet related to them. So we’re not verifying their use using any automation. But the feature process itself does require use of the ‘feature-team’ attribute.

These three attributes are:

* feature-team -- this is a complex yaml structure where you provide the github ids of the members of the feature team.

* promotes -- if the analysis is for the promotion of an existing feature to a higher stability level, provide the issue link for the existing feature.

* promoted-by -- We’d use this to update an already merged analysis if some subsequent issue promotes it to a higher stability.

We’ll add tooling that uses ‘promotes’ and ‘promoted-by’ to help us track issue promotion.

Your comments are most welcome, either here or in zulip. For some background there’s an existing thread where we’ve been discussing this: https://wildfly.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/174184-wildfly-developers/topic/WildFly.20Release.20GitHub.20Project

Best regards,


[1] http://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-proposals/FEATURE_PROCESS.html

[2] Why not use JIRA?

* The primary project for where a feature gets integrated varies; sometimes WFLY, sometimes WFCORE, sometimes HAL, sometimes other.

* Often there really isn’t a primary project.

* Even if there was always one ‘right’ JIRA project it’s not clear that we could customize it the way we want.

[3] https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-proposals/blob/main/design-doc-template.adoc

[4] https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-proposals/