On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 12:17 AM, Stan Silvert <ssilvert@redhat.com> wrote:
Thanks.  I just need the servlet to read a flag that I put into the
owner attribute of the deployment.  So I should be OK.

Incidentally, I find that this is something I run into once in awhile.
I need a subsystem to communicate with a deployment's application code.
The other way I've done this is to stuff things into the ServletContext
using a DeploymentUnitProcessor and the JBossWebMetaData.

If anyone knows a third option I'd love to hear it.

The DPU with extra jbossmetadata sounds a reasonable way to do this.

you could even go further and provide this data only to your servlet instead whole ServletContext

but if all you need is to pass one attribute around, no need to complicate it more.
