Hi Jason/Tomaz,

A number of items to share with you today :

1) JDK 10 General Availability JDK 10, the first release produced under the six-month rapid-cadence release model [1][2], is now Generally Available.
We've identified no P1 bugs since we promoted build 46 almost two weeks ago, so that is the official GA release, ready for production use.
GPL'd binaries from Oracle are available here: http://jdk.java.net/10

This release includes twelve features:
2) JDK 11 EA build 5, under both the GPL and Oracle EA licenses, are now available at http://jdk.java.net/11 .
3) The Z Garbage Collector Project, early access builds available :
The first EA binary from from The Z Garbage Collector Project, also known as ZGC, is now available. ZGC is a scalable low latency garbage collector. For information on how to enable and use ZGC, please see the project wiki.
4) Quality Outreach Report for March 2018 is available
5) Java Client Roadmap Update


[1] https://mreinhold.org/blog/forward-faster
[2] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/discuss/2017-September/004281.html
[3] Blog: https://blogs.oracle.com/java-platform-group/the-future-of-javafx-and-other-java-client-roadmap-updates
[4] Whitepaper: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/javaclientroadmapupdate2018mar-4414431.pdf

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland