I think the issue (at least as I’ve found it) is that we either:a) scrub around in existing feature-packs and modules/ directory to determine if there’s a module.xml matching the thing and version we need orb) hand-author a module.xml based upon pom.xml, adding a chance to mess things up.-BobOn Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 10:37 AM, Alexey Loubyansky <alexey.loubyansky@redhat.com> wrote:It's not exactly clear to me what issue you are describing. But I can provide some basic info on how feature-packs are authored for the wildfly releases (core, servlet, full). Perhaps then you could ask a more specific question.A feature-pack represents a specific release. So there will be a feature-pack for the core, another one for the servlet distribution and another one for the full one. In feature-packs, modules are organized into packages (which is an atomic unit of content possibly with dependencies on other packages from the same or another feature-pack).When a feature-pack is generated, the packages are generated from the modules. Each module becomes are package in a feature-pack. And module dependencies become package dependencies. Is it any close to the issue you described?On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 1:51 AM, Scott Stark <sstark@redhat.com> wrote:Interesting.It brings up a discussion point I have been meaning to raise across the Wildfly and Wildfly-Swarm teams regarding tools for the step before this assembly step of feature-packs and fractions into a distributable archive.The issue I have seen is that when authoring a feature-pack or fraction, it is difficult to know how to configure the module dependencies. One is often starting with GAV dependencies from a spec, and it is difficult to know how those map onto modules in existing feature-packs for fractions. Do we have any tooling in this area to make this task not a trial and error effort?On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 7:34 AM, Emmanuel Hugonnet <ehugonne@redhat.com> wrote:______________________________Hi,
For those who can take 7'26 of their time to look at what we can do with the new provisioning tool to build and share custom feature packs.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/84133sgsjef7pqs/feature_pack.mp4?d l=0
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