We've been doing a really good job of eliminating the source-transform modules, but now that the main branch is open for WF 28 work I'd like to accelerate progress a bit so we can get it out of the way.
If you are the assignee for one of the JIRAs listed as 'Wave' 0 or 1 in col A on the spreadsheet at[1], by end of day Thursday this week, please do one of the following:
* Unassign the JIRA.
* Send up a working PR to resolve the JIRA.
* Commit to sending up a working PR by next Monday, and set the JIRA to 'Coding in Progress'
* Find somebody else who will get it done by Monday and assign it over to them.
* Comment on the issue explaining why you need to remain the assignee.
If you think you'll unassign, please do it sooner rather than later. *It's perfectly fine* to do so and is generally *preferred* to leaving the issue assigned by not actively worked.
The 'Wave 1' items are most important.
I'm not asking that anything be done re JIRAs with 2, 3 or 4 in Col A. (But, I know that Manuel Finelli already has a branch covering some wave 2 and 3 items; which is great!)
In the large majority of cases, any engineer familiar with how source-transform works can easily do the work of moving the original module to jakarta.* and removing the source-transform, so long as no other javax.* modules have dependencies on the module. So I want to identify the leaf node modules in the dependency graph and get them converted ASAP, or get the JIRA for them unassigned so it's clear to other engineers familiar with how to do this that they can pick up the work.
The spreadsheet at [1] records the remaining javax maven modules and lists the other modules that depend on them. I then organize the modules in rough 'waves':
* Wave 0 -- nothing depends on it; it doesn't depend on anything.
* Wave 1 -- nothing depends on it but others depend on (and are thus blocked by) it
* Wave 2 - 4 -- depended upon / blocked by things in previous waves.
Unassigning the JIRAs for these from yourself is generally a good thing, as it communicates to others who may have an hour or so free that the task is available.
If you find an unassigned JIRA, please don't assign it to yourself unless you can get a working PR submitted by the end of the next working day.
If you start actively working on a JIRA please set it to Coding in Progress.
Best regards,Brian