Hey guys,

I was just discussing with Harald could get distro size down by 25+MB if we would trim our console a bit.

Currently we compile console with 40 permutations, six browsers (ie6,ie8,ie9,gecko1_8,safari) and eight languages (en,de,es,fr,pt_BR,zh_Hans,ja,ko).

I think we could drop support for ie6 and get rid of extra localization with support only EN.
IE6 market share is so low this days that it really does not make sense to support it in upstream anymore.
Also we don't ship localization of logging messages/exceptions in WildFy anyway, so why have just one part localized.

This way we would get down to 4 permutations and our console distro would be 6.8Mb instead of current 32,3Mb

Also if people want extra localization, they could always just download full console release and replace that with jar we ship.

So what do you guys think?
