
I came across a situation where a ConcurrentAccessTimeoutException is thrown on WildFly 10.0.0 and 10.1cr1 when an @Stateful @ViewScoped bean contains a CDI producer.

In short, there are 3 beans all @Stateful @ViewScoped. Beans 1 and 2 are injected in bean 3. 

Bean 1 contains a CDI producer.
Bean 2 is injected with a type from said producer.

The following causes a ConcurrentAccessTimeoutException to be thrown:

    tx start
       access stateful bean 1
       access stateful bean 2
        (from statefull bean 2): access injected type that causes producer from bean 1 to be called
    tx end

If the call to stateful bean 1 is omitted, the producer is called normally when bean 2 accesses the injected type.

If bean 2 is injected directly with bean 1, then bean 1 can be accessed without any ConcurrentAccessTimeoutException being thrown.

The code runs fine on WildFly 8.2.

I'll do some further digging, but wonder if this problem rings any bells. Could it be that CDI obtains a reference to the stateful bean in such a way that the implicit EJB interceptor doesn't see it's still within the same TX? But since there's no call to bean 1 in progress at that point, should this even matter?

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms