Plan going forward is to have only Undertow.
Said that, as soon as we pass TCK with Undertow I don't see any more need for Jbossweb to be part of WildFly distribution.

We currently still have it to ease migration of subsystems & user code that might be dependent on jbossweb.

Maintaining both web servers in codebase / distribution would require lots more engineering resources which we currently don't have.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Carlo de Wolf <> wrote:
How is potential regression running jbossweb now guarded then?


On 06/18/2013 04:07 PM, Tomaž Cerar wrote:

given that many tests rely on manipulating subsystem resources/operations that are specific to undertow subsystem (and used to be specific to web subsystem)
It is expectable that if you would run testsuite with web subsystem instead of undertow that some of those tests would fail.


On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Chao Wang <> wrote:
Hey all,

For the tests inside wildfly/web, currently they run peacefully with
undertow (all passed). However, if I change the test Config file
arquillian.xml and switch serverConfig back to standalone-jbossweb.xml
to run them? I got an unexpected failures list:

Tests run: 209, Failures: 10, Errors: 95, Skipped: 9

The line I changed in integration/basic/src/test/config/arq/arquillian.xml :


modify to:

<property name="serverConfig">standalone-jbossweb.xml</property>

Then inside /testsuite, run $ mvn clean install -Dts.noSmoke -Dts.basic

Is this reasonable action to switch server configuration file for tests
like this? Or an expected result and its forbidden to make such change?


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