I filed [HAL-381] to further track this.[HAL-381] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/HAL-381RegardsHaraldAm 25.02.2014 um 01:19 schrieb Stan Silvert <ssilvert@redhat.com>:_______________________________________________On 2/24/2014 3:55 PM, John Doyle wrote:
The user doesn't necessarily know the difference as long as he is connected to the internet. Whether the console app is first downloaded from the EAP server or from a Red Hat server shouldn't matter.
I'm hoping that it won't be long before the web console is a separate download that merely connects to WildFly/EAP. At that point we would not ship web console with the server and this won't really matter any more.That might be fine for WildFly, but additional downloads is an anti-requirement for EAP.
I assume that if we do trim the console, it will be for WildFly only? That's probably a good thing but we would need to explain why the EAP download is so much larger.
Also note that localization is not just for logging messages and exceptions. Some DMR operations are localized too and presumably the result does show up in the web console UI.
On 2/24/2014 8:59 AM, Tomaž Cerar wrote:
tomazAlso if people want extra localization, they could always just download full console release and replace that with jar we ship.I think we could drop support for ie6 and get rid of extra localization with support only EN.Currently we compile console with 40 permutations, six browsers (ie6,ie8,ie9,gecko1_8,safari) and eight languages (en,de,es,fr,pt_BR,zh_Hans,ja,ko).Hey guys,I was just discussing with Harald could get distro size down by 25+MB if we would trim our console a bit.
IE6 market share is so low this days that it really does not make sense to support it in upstream anymore.
Also we don't ship localization of logging messages/exceptions in WildFy anyway, so why have just one part localized.
This way we would get down to 4 permutations and our console distro would be 6.8Mb instead of current 32,3Mb
So what do you guys think?
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