The EE 9.1 platform spec lists these in Section that in general that needs to be read carefully because some of the 'Java SE Enterprise Technologies' listed there are now also in the 'Required Jakarta Technologies' list[2], where the jakarta namespace change is relevant. But RMI-IIOP is *not* one of those.See also footnote 16[3] which is about RMI-IIOP. WildFly complies with that requirement by means of openjdk-orb.On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 4:37 PM Scott Stark <> wrote:You only need to transform the javax.* packages that are part of the EE8 specification. There are other JDK classes that need to remain in their original javax.* packages. The javax.rmi.* packages can be ignored for transformation.On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 3:41 PM Tomasz Adamski <> wrote:_______________________________________________When I was trying to establish the steps needed to transform OpenJDK project to Jakarta namespace I noticed that a substantial part of the codebase implements RMI-IIOP protocol (which relies on javax.rmi.* packages). This seems tricky to
transform IMO. Although all those classes are included into the project and technically I could just rename the package, logically it doesn't make much sense to me because there is no such thing as jakarta.rmi and this makes even less sense in a project whose goal is to provide interoperability.
I'm also not sure how this is supposed two work from a legal point of view: if Jakarta allows for optional implementation of RMI-IIOP maybe I could just leave it this way or are we legally required to get rid of all javax.* naming from the codebase?Regards,Tomek
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