Hi Eduardo,

Thanks for this. I encourage the leads for the components involved in our boms to have a look.  My impression is this would be EJB, JMS, Web Services, REST, JPA, Clustering, Security.  The first three we provide specific client boms, and the rest are part of the overall 'javaee8' bom.

- Brian

On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 3:19 AM Eduardo Martins <emartins@redhat.com> wrote:
Hello all, I have prepared a document with respect to a major rework of the WildFly BOMs project, with focus on automating most of its maintenance.


Please have a look at it, specially if you consume any BOM or you are involved with BOMs or WildFly component development somehow, and if not asking too much please provide some feedback.

I am aware that the document has a lot to digest and I suggest feedback is provided through Google Docs comments.

Thank in advance,


WildFly BOMs Lead

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