Can you verify that this PR: fixes your issues?

Basically it reverts the recent changes, and instead installs a handler after authenticate to handle requests that do not require authentication.


On Mon, 28 Sep 2015 at 09:54 Jason T. Greene <> wrote:
The MIT license also grants the ability to relicense.

On Sep 27, 2015, at 6:50 PM, Stuart Douglas <> wrote:

This was deliberately disabled to match the behavior of EAP6. It can be controlled by the proactive-authentication attribute on the servlet container. These JAPIC changes have been driven by this change, in order to get the TCK to pass without proactive auth. I will look into it today.

If you can contribute your tests it would be greatly appreciated, we do not have much coverage (and apparently neither does the TCK, as it does not pick up these issues). As I understand it if you are the sole author you retain copyright and can re-license them under whatever license you like.


On Sat, 26 Sep 2015 at 01:15 arjan tijms <> wrote:

I discovered some more issues originating from 5298:

pre-emptive authentication on a public page doesn't work anymore
either. It still worked fine in WildFly 9.0.1.

This can be easily seen when running the JASPIC tests from

For the basic authentication tests, the following now fail:

Failed tests:

These tests don't rely on request#authenticate, but depend on
automatic calling of a SAM at the beginning of a request. After manual
inspection it's clear that the SAM is called, but its outcome is not
being applied.

Kind regards,

On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 3:18 PM, arjan tijms <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I checked again on the just released WildFly 10.0 CR2, but
> unfortunately the code is still severely broken now.
> There are two main issues, and they're both in this fragment in
> JASPIAuthenticationMechanism:
> if(isValid == null) {
>     isValid = createJASPIAuthenticationManager().isValid(messageInfo,
> attachment.getApplicationIdentifier(), new JBossCallbackHandler());
> }
> The first problem is the "isValid == null" check. After the first call
> to request#authenticate in a given request this will always be
> non-null. The result is that a request for programmatic authentication
> will effectively be ignored the first time.
> The second problem is that this passes in the JBossCallbackHandler,
> but this doesn't know how to handle JASPIC callbacks and this will
> result in an exception like the following:
> PBOX00014:
> does not handle
> a callback of type
>     at
>     at
> The code should pass in a JASPICallbackHandler here.
> Hope this can be fixed. Perhaps it's just a matter of removing the
> "isValid == null" check and passing in the right callback handler.
> Kind regards,
> Arjan Tijms
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 5:58 PM, arjan tijms <> wrote:
>> p.s. if I just revert JASPIAuthenticationMechanism to the previous
>> version, but leaving in the new JASPICInitialHandler, then everything
>> seems to work again. This is a bit of hacky workaround perhaps, but in
>> some quick testing it does do the trick.
>> On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 3:31 PM, arjan tijms <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> It looks like that after WFLY-5298 (this commit specifically
>>> HttpServletRequest#authenticate does not longer do anything.
>>> HttpServletRequest#authenticate calls though to
>>> JASPIAuthenticationMechanism#authenticate.
>>> There it now obtains the attachment that was set by the new
>>> JASPICInitialHandler, which calls the SAM at the beginning of the
>>> request. And then uses the stored "isValid" outcome directly, without
>>> calling the SAM again.
>>> See the code below:
>>>   public AuthenticationMechanismOutcome authenticate(final
>>> HttpServerExchange exchange, final SecurityContext sc) {
>>>         JASPICAttachment attachment =
>>> exchange.getAttachment(JASPICAttachment.ATTACHMENT_KEY);
>>>         AuthenticationMechanismOutcome outcome;
>>>         Account authenticatedAccount = null;
>>>         boolean isValid = attachment.isValid();
>>>         final ServletRequestContext requestContext =
>>> attachment.getRequestContext();
>>>         final JASPIServerAuthenticationManager sam = attachment.getSam();
>>>         final JASPICallbackHandler cbh = attachment.getCbh();
>>>         GenericMessageInfo messageInfo = attachment.getMessageInfo();
>>>         if (isValid) {
>>>             // The CBH filled in the JBOSS SecurityContext, we need to
>>> create an Undertow account based on that
>>>    jbossSct =
>>> SecurityActions.getSecurityContext();
>>>             authenticatedAccount =
>>> createAccount(attachment.getCachedAccount(), jbossSct);
>>>         }
>>> This is not correct I think. The code should call the SAM once again
>>> and use the outcome from that call.
>>> Am I missing something, or was the new call to the SAM simply
>>> forgotten at this point?
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Arjan Tijms
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