
Is he creating a Spring Boot war?

I know that Spring Boot is used here ->


On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 12:37 PM, Sanne Grinovero <> wrote:
Hi all,

today trying to help some Hibernate users on SO I stumbled on a
question regarding an application being developed with Spring - and
apparently Spring Boot (?) - and deployed on WildFly.

Clearly the poster is having duplicate Hibernate classes, or possibly
mismatches with the version he's expecting vs the app server's
expectations, or more likely a mismatch between the Hibernate ORM and
Hibernate Search versions being loaded.

I'm familiar with JipiJapa, but while this automates some things -
like adding a module dependency to Hibernate ORM and/or Hibernate
Search automatically - this logic is usually controlled by application
settings in the `persistence.xml` and is aimed at standard JEE
deployments - so I guess it might actually be interfering in this

Beyond helping the specific question, do we have a general set of
tests or recommendations - maybe some example template - for Spring
Boot users on WildFly?

Anyone maybe interested in contributing some Spring related examples?

I've never used Spring myself but I guess I'd like to have a look to
better understand what kind of issues such users might bump into, and
what we could do to make it easier.

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