How I can get a domain "host.xml" found in a feature pack to get placed in the domain/configuration/host.xml location of the generated WF distro?
I have this: hawkular-javaagent-wildfly- dist/server-provisioning- plain-wildfly.xml
and I want the "host.xml" that is in that hawkular feature pack's "configuration/domain/host.xml" location to be deployed properly (in the correct spot in the final WF distro that gets laid down).
As a side question: is it possible to take the existing WF feature pack's host.xml and simple inject things in its <jvm> settings but leaving the rest alone?
The idea is that I want the slave servers to start with a -javagent cmdline option (e.g. to get the Prometheus JMX Exporter agent or the Jolokia agent to run in all slave servers spawned by the host controller).
[this message was sent on November 29, 2017 at 9:33 EST - these mailing lists have had huge delays in delivering things recently, let's see how long it takes this one to get delivered]
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