Ken Wills and I did a bit of organizing of the nightly CI jobs for full WildFly.

Ken created a new 'Main - Nightly Jobs' subproject for them and moved them from the root project. Then I renamed most of the jobs. Primarily to replace use of 'Master' or 'Main' in job titles as that is redundant given the new subproject name. I replaced that with 'Standard' as the relevant jobs are tests of standard WF (as opposed to Preview) and aren't the Bootable jar or Galleon jobs.  While I was at it I standardized how we record in the name the OS and JDK used.

The initial driver for this was to make it easier to set up nightly jobs for the micro branches (e.g. 25.x) when we create those branches. We can just copy this subproject, tweak a few settings and it's done.

We'd already created the jobs for 25.x when I did the job renaming exercise so those don't have the updated names. Which is fine; they'll likely become dormant in a couple weeks once we're done with 25.0.1.

Best regards,

Brian Stansberry
Project Lead, WildFly