That might actually be ok, since we aren't talking about a Java API, and there are no reps on other specs. However I agree that is wierd. Alternatively we could add different format/schema but I suspect it would look just like permissions.xml.

On Aug 26, 2015, at 9:00 AM, Tomaž Cerar <> wrote:

Also AFAIR, security manager subsystem implements EE7 security manager(permissions.xml) support.
and as such doesn't belong to core.

On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Brian Stansberry <> wrote:
On 8/26/15 8:49 AM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
> Just some data, as I know distribution size is a significant factor in
> deciding what goes into WildFly Core:
> The module itself is 45KB
> unzipped, so not much of a concern.
> However, it depends on org.jboss.metadata.common, which is 475KB and
> isn't itself present in WildFly Core.

The requirement for org.jboss.metadata.common looks pretty simple to
eliminate. It's just using a bit of what looks like easily duplicated
utility code.

> All its other deps are present in WildFly Core.
> On 8/26/15 7:38 AM, Josef Cacek wrote:
>> Hi *,
>> Is there a way how to configure Java security permissions in WildFly Core?
>> If not, is there any reason why not to move the wildfly-security-manager from WildFly into WildFly Core?
>> I'm investigating failing tests in WildFly Core testsuite ([1],[2]) when security manager is enabled.
>> The problem is, security manager is in place and I'm not able to define permissions for deployments
>> - using policy file (configured by system property) doesn't work for me;
>> - putting META-INF/permissions.xml into deployments doesn't help because PermissionsParseProcessor deployment processor is part of wildfly-security-manager (i.e. not in Core) and it is only activated when security-manager subsystem is present.
>> So the tests fail because of AccessControlExceptions on the server side.
>> Any thoughts?
>> As a workaround we can run the Core testsuite against full WildFly and use either in-deployment permissions.xml or configure permissions in subsystem [3] - but both ways have some disadvantages.
>> We either have to put "unnecessary" permissions.xml in WFCORE deployments or we have to use too wide minimum-permissions in security-manager subsystem configuration.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3] /subsystem=security-manager/deployment-permissions=default:write-attribute(name=minimum-permissions, value=[{}])")
>> Thanks,
>> -- Josef Cacek
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Brian Stansberry
Senior Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat
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