The primary development focus on WildFly these last two months has been toward WildFly 27, but we've now reached a point where we have a clear enough sense of what can go into WildFly 26.1 that we can nail down the schedule. A date of April 7 for 26.1 to be available on looks realistic.
Leading up to that are the following dates:
1) Tue Mar 15 end of day -- Feature development work complete for features that will go into 26.1. More on what that means below.
2) Fri Mar 18 -- Core Feature Freeze
3) Tue Mar 22 -- Feature freeze / WF 26.1 Beta tag
4) Fri Apr 1 -- WildFly Core 18.1 code freeze
5) Wed Apr 6 -- WF 26.1 tag
The Mar 15 date is a new 'milestone'. By that date for any RFEs that will go into 26.1 the only remaining work for merging them into main should be final quality checks. The RFE analysis should be approved, the planned tests should be written and passing, community docs written, engineering code reviews done. There should also be an equivalent PR against the WF Core 18.x and/or WildFly 26.x branches.
The period between Mar 15 and the core and full feature freeze dates will be devoted to final quality checks, plus work on changes unrelated to RFEs (bug fixing, component upgrades).
The various freeze dates mean PRs are ready to merge in both main and the 18.x / 26.x branches. Ideally already merged.
It would be good if almost all known work was in the Beta and the period between the Beta and Final is only devoted to new things that come up.
Best regards,
Brian Stansberry
Project Lead, WildFly